Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Muslimah2Muslimah Big Sister Program

We have been working on getting our Big Sister Program for quite some time. We still have a lot of work to do to get things going, but we have been receiving a lot of email from sisters looking for mentors. We would love to be able to speak to each and every sister and have a chance to connect with them on a personal level. However due to location and the amount of sisters looking for mentors we would not be able to do it.

We think this would be great for new shahaadahs, younger sisters, sisters looking to learn more/strengthen their deen and have someone to be able to connect with. So insha' Allah if you are interested in being a mentor or you are seeking a mentor please send us an email at with the subject Big Sister Program for more info. Also be sure to let us know if you want to mentor or are looking for a mentor.

Asalaamu alaikum
Nadira & Najwa