Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ask M2M

Insha' Allah this we be a new feature we will do every Sunday, starting May 23rd, 2010. If you have a question that we haven't covered yet i.e salah, fasting, hijab, Ramadan, marriage, etc. this is your opportunity to ask us. You can also send us questions if you have a specific question for either Nadira or Najwa. Send us an email to with the subject of Ask M2M. If you want to remain anonymous just let us know when you send the email.Align Center

Happy Question Asking!!!
Asalaamu alaikum
Nadira & Najwa


  1. whats going on m2m? y didnt you guys do this?

  2. So sorry for the delay, we have posted our first Ask M2M alhamdulilah

  3. Asalamu alaikum sisters. I have a serious problem with my hijabs....or more precisely what goes on my head under the hijab. it seems every type of undercap or underscarf I have (with the excption of the "mni" amira type refuses to stay over my ears. Sometimes they pop off just my right ear and somebimes both. What is a muslimah to do about that?


Be sure to leave us a comment! We enjoy negative, but we LOOOOVE the positive!!!